January 13, 2019 4 min read
Hi friends! Jordan here. For those who don't know me, I'm the face
behind Nourish's Instagram account. I have been working with Nourish
since June 2018 and am so excited to finally take on my first 5-day
Master Cleanse this week!⠀
For full disclosure, I also work at Viva Raw full-time so I am already
familiar with the cleansing process and have successfully completed
5-day juice cleanses before, but it has been quite some time since
I've slowed down for that long to simply focus on myself. I'm a huge
advocate of plant-based eating, but with a growing photography +
social media side hustle I have been struggling to eat quite as
perfectly as I'd like lately. Follow along on my journey as I hit the
(much needed) reset button this week!
Day 1:
I’m starting my morning off at Viva Raw with the Green Smoothie and
let me just tell you, this drink is my JAM.
I am feeling a little tired though as I have been up editing photos
since 6am. Coffee usually works it’s magic right around now, but I
know it’s healthy to take a break from it every once in a while and
lessen my dependency on it. The first two days are typically the
hardest for me without caffeine, but I’m ready to power through!
I’m banking on the Power Bowl + Lenny Boy kombucha to give me LIFE
through the rest of my shift at Viva Raw. Besides being tired though,
this cleanse does not disappoint so far! Everything from Nourish
always tastes incredible and feels so nutrient dense.
For the record, I’m not a huge sautéed mushroom eater at all. I was
actually a little unsure beforehand if I would even eat the whole
Power Bowl with sautéed mushrooms in it, but THESE mushrooms are
delicious! I scarfed them right down. Whatever marinade was used, I
want it on everything!
Day 2:
Here we are on day two of the Master Cleanse!
Another 6am morning for me so I drank my Green Smoothie and then also
treated myself to a turmeric-tangerine ginger decaf tea from the Not
Just Coffee right across from Viva Raw inside 7th Street Public
Market. I know this tea isn’t part of the cleanse, but it’s freezing
cold outside and tea helps trick my brain into thinking I’m having
coffee for a morning pick-me-up. I think herbal decaf teas are a great
addition to a cleanse anyways though with all their powerful
antioxidants. (Side note: It’s crucial to drink decaf because caffeine
can block the absorption of vital nutrients, and we definitely don’t
want that during a cleanse!)
Really looking forward to trying Little Sey Salt Cures digestive tea
this evening as part of the cleanse!
So, I made a total rookie mistake yesterday. I left for work without
my water bottle. This is a huge no no. Granted it was the first day,
but I was feeling extra tired, dehydrated and hungry.
After sipping on water all day today, I feel about 20 times better.
I’m honestly not great about drinking water regularly, but need to
work on incorporating it into my diet more. It’s truly incredible how
beneficial water is for your body.
Day 3:
Hello day three! I’m about halfway through the Master Cleanse, and
while it seems to be getting a little easier, I’m also dealing with a
whole new set of difficulties today…
1. I meet up with our little Nourish marketing team over coffee every
Thursday morning, and I knew going into it that it would be hard for
me as the only one without a cup of coffee in hand. I prepared myself
ahead of time though and managed to make it through just fine with the
trusty Green Smoothie!
2. Tonight I’m going to the Lake Street Dive concert at The Fillmore
with my parents and boyfriend. I love live music, but it always makes
me feel a bit anxious being in a tight room with tons of other people
so I typically will grab a beer to sip on throughout the show. I don’t
drink a ton, I think I mostly just prefer to have something in my
hand. Is that weird? Anyways, I’m going totally sober tonight. We’ll
see how it goes!
On day one of the cleanse the afternoon snack was half of a Masala
Hummus snack pack. It literally took all of my willpower to not eat
the entire thing. Feeling very grateful today that I decided not to do
that though because the rest of this snack pack is about to FUEL ME
through a whole concert.
Day 4:
Y’all, I’m feeling almost like a million bucks today! I made it
through the concert soberly last night (thanks to the Lenny Boy
kombucha on tap inside The Fillmore), so I woke up today with zero
hangover AND more energy. Plus, I’m feeling lighter, which I haven’t
felt in quite some time. All is well right now.
Day 5:
So, here we are on day five of the Master Cleanse! This week has
definitely had it's ups and downs, but today I'm feeling grateful for
the entire experience. As hard as it was to give up coffee or not grab
a handful of chips between meals, I've made it through to the other
end of the tunnel feeling far more energized, more hydrated and more
healthy than before.⠀
The past few days I've been working long hours, getting little sleep
and dealing with my loss of caffeine to mask my usual tiredness, but
today was different. I got a solid nine hours of sleep (that never
happens!), I worked from home at a relaxed pace, and I savored every
bite of this delicious plant-based food that's so carefully crafted by
the Nourish kitchen team.⠀
Not only do I feel the healthiest I've felt in quite some time, I also
feel inspired to continue on in this journey, allowing space in my
hectic schedule to eat better and get back into running and yoga.⠀
Thank you to everyone who followed along on the journey. If this has
sparked your interest in signing up for a cleanse, please do not
hesitate to send any of your questions to me at
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