What a wild year its been. And we wouldn't have made it, without YOU!

December 23, 2020 2 min read

What a wild year its been. And we wouldn't have made it, without YOU!
'Tis the time of year we tend to take stock - look back and ask, what did we learn? How did we grow? What will we do differently, next year?

This year is a tough one to think about in that context, and perhaps we shouldn't. We've made it to the end of one of the scariest, most stressful years in recent memory and are holding out hope for normalcy ahead. It's been so very challenging for families, for parents, for teachers...for healthcare workers and small businesses, for artists and musicians, for so very, very many. But it's also been amazing, gorgeous, and gratifying to watch our community do so much good for so many, including us. And for that, we have massive, heartfelt gratitude.

Because of you, we're donated almost $5000 in food and funds to Feed the Movement to help food insecure families. Because of you, we've sent hundreds of meals to frontline healthcare workers to keep them healthy and happy. We've spent over $75,000 on local produce and products. And because of you, we've grown, as a team, as humans, and as a small business. We've increased our kitchen team in size and diversity this year more than any other, and have launched our first brick and mortar, Plant Joy, to critical acclaim. 

Without your help and support, we wouldn't be doing any of it, and want you to know - we appreciate you. Are so very grateful for you. And there's a piece of you, your support, your kind words, and your encouragement, in all the beauty we got to create this year.

May the strangeness of this year become a dull memory - but may the beauty it created linger on and make the future brighter. 

Thank you all, and happy holidays!

Love, Chef Julia, Team Nourishand Team Plant Joy