New This Week! Raw delicacies from Raw Bites by Risa and Smoothie Bags from Green Brothers' Juice Co!

March 27, 2022 1 min read

New This Week! Raw delicacies from Raw Bites by Risa and Smoothie Bags from Green Brothers' Juice Co!

You asked and we listened! This year's survey was amazing - SO many of you took the time to let us know how we could improve your Nourish experience. And a big topic of conversation was MORE - give us more locally sourced, lovely products to chose from.

And so! Here are the first two - enjoy!

Raw Bites by Risa - we sampled these products at Vegfest Jr last week and were BLOWN AWAY! To start, we're stocking her Blue Bounty protein balls and her Nutella Rolls. Let us know what you think! Everything Risa makes aligns with our nutritional guidelines, so expect Vegan Organic Gluten Free Sugar Free goodness, to help ya snack without the guilt! 

Green Brothers' Smoothie Bags - just throw em in a blender, add milk or liquid of choice, and BAM fresh smoothie for you! We're big fans of the team over at Green Brothers' and are super excited to bring our favorite smoothies of theirs to our menu. Captain Clutch is a particularly special one, as it is packed with superfoods and organic protein powder to start your day with a bang!

Keep your eyes peeled for more changes inspired by your thoughtful feedback in the weeks ahead, friends. We appreciate you!

Ready for more? Read all about other hidden gems on the menu you might not know about here, on the blog!